Teen Treks is a non-
personal growth, adventure, and fun through biking and hostelling
Living through COVID-
Our average group sizes are kept small to create more intimate experiences and most of the days on a Teen Trek trip is spent outside, biking on the open road. Unlike a traditional summer camp, the isolated nature of a Teen Treks bike tour means that teens will only ever be in contact with the handful of people in their group, while still experiencing a fun and life-
We’ve been busy implementing new procedures and protocols in addition to what is already a safe, outdoor summer experience for teenagers. Read on for details on the new safety measures we have put in place.
Group Size
While the nature of our bike tours is small, isolated groups travelling together, we have implemented a limit on group size to maximize the safety of our trekkers. In accordance to CDC guidelines, groups will not surpass 12 individuals. This includes two leaders and no more than 10 trekkers on each individual trip.
Personal Distancing
Group sizes will not exceed ten people. Though this meets CDC guidelines for a safe group size, personal distancing will still be implemented. This means, practicing social distance within the group and staying appropriately apart from others not in our group. Tour groups will be treated as a family, or “cohort,” so safe social distancing and face coverings will be exercised with those not in our group.
Meal Times
Teen Treks trips meals typically happen outdoors, whether it is campfire dinners or lunch picnics in the park, social distancing is naturally worked into meal times. We like eating in this style because it allows teens the opportunity to learn how to grocery shop for a group and exercise creativity while cooking for others.
Though it is less frequent, we also love stopping at local restaurants when traveling through cities. On a typical Teen Treks tour, groups will likely stop 2-
Other Indoor Stops
Grocery shopping is one of the very few times that trekkers will be inside a public building. On a Teen Treks trip, trekkers are split into multiple meal groups, rotating between cooking duties and cleaning duties. This already eliminates the number of trekkers entering grocery stores, as only those with cooking duties need to shop for groceries. To minimize exposure as much as possible, we will require that only two trekkers and one leader are in a grocery store at a time.
Ice cream stops are a must on a Teen Treks bike tour. As with the grocery store, will use the same guidelines of no more than one leader and two trekkers in the indoor facility at a time.
While the majority of lodging arrangements during a Teen Treks trip take place outdoors at campgrounds, we do enjoy visiting big cities and staying in a hotel or hostel for a change. .
Search Topics: teen adventure travel, teen bike trips, adventure travel camp, teen travel camp, adventure camp, summer bike trips, teen travel camp, summer camps, bike camp, bicycle trips, student bike trips, kids bike trips, biking camp, teen summer camp, adventure camp, bike camp, teen travel, teen bicycling trips, travel camp, high school summer program, teen tours, summer adventures, youth summer bicycle program, travel adventure program
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